Trần Nguyên Phú1,, Võ Thị Trang1, Hoàng Ngọc Hà1, Đặng Hùng2, Lê Thị Huyền Trang1, Lê Thị Thanh Thủy1, Ngô Thị Thúy Diễn1, Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Trang1, Trần Thị Ngọc1, Nguyễn Sử Minh Ngọc1
1 Ha Tinh General Hospital
2 Vietnam Yoga Institute

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Study on a randomized controlled clinical trial on 2 groups of patients to evaluate the results of Vietnamese yoga therapy in rehabilitation of patients with cerebrovascular accident. 80 patients with cerebral vascular accident sequelae were treated in stable acute phase, aged 40-75 years old, regardless of gender, occupation, and volunteered to participate in the study. 40 patients in the study group had their rehabilitation by the method of Vietnamese yoga therapy, and the control group had received conventional rehabilitation treatment. Compared results after 90 days of treatment showed that 75% of patients in the intervention group reduced 2 or more levels of paralysis, this rate in the control group was 42.5% (p<0.05). In addition, blood pressure, mental health, independence in daily activities, and risk of falling were statistically significantly better than before treatment and the control group.

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