Nguyễn Duy Phong1, Nông Văn Minh1, Đoàn Duy Tân1,
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Background:  Malaria today is still an important health condition in the global scale in general and in Vietnam in particular. At the present, there has not been any kind of vaccination, so choosing a preventive method is imperative. Chu Prong is a town in Gia Lai province, and this place is populated by ethnic groups with very low levels of education, difficult economic situation and the hardship in accessing sources of information about preventing malaria. Thus, there should be a study to assess the capacity to prevent malaria, thereby coming up with a measure to deal with the problem properly. Objectives: To determine the proportion of people residing in Iapiơ commune, Chư Prông town, Gia Lai province in 2021 who have enough knowledge towards malaria, and practice the preventive methods properly; alongside other related factors about knowledge and practice. Results: The percentage of precise general knowledge and practice knowledge accounted for 37%, 14.6% respectively. There was a connection between general knowledge and practice knowledge. There was a connection between general knowledge with occupations, levels of education, medical history of getting malaria, and family members’ medical history of getting malaria. Conclusions: The percentage of people who have the capacity to prevent malaria was still low. Other factors related to the knowledge were mostly their levels of education and personal as well as family’s medical history of getting malaria. The connection between the percentage of general knowledge with practice knowledge was statistically significant.

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