Khương Tùng Ân1,, Nguyễn Quỳnh Anh2, Lê Đình Tuân3, Ngô Văn Mạnh4
1 Department of Health, People's Committee of Tu Ky district, Hai Duong province
2 Hanoi University of Public Health
3 Vietnam Military Medical University
4 Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Main Article Content


Along with the rapid increase in the incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes, adherence to medical examination and treatment procedures would minimize errors in screening and diagnos. Based on the contents of Decision No. 3798/QD-BYT dated August 27, 2017 of the Ministry of Health stipulating the implementation of clinical procedures for diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes, we conducted this research. This study used descriptive research method, gathered information through interviews with 215 patients and reviewed the medical records of those patients. The research results showed that the administrative information of the patient was relatively complete in the medical record, the average rate achieved 92.8%. The rate of full implementation of process in 7 steps of the process from interviewing patients was 79.4% and from data collection from medical record was 83.5%. However, the percentage of “complete” information from the interviews all gave a lower rate from medical record. The study also made recommendations on standardization and promulgation of professional procedures, strengthening strict monitoring and supervision in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Health including the clinical process of diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Article Details


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