Nguyễn Trọng Khoa1,, Hoàng Bùi Hải2
1 Ha Nam General Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

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The study aimed to find out the value of the hs Troponin T test at 0-1h in the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome in patients with chest pain entering the emergency department. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study of 290 patients with chest pain presenting to the emergency department. The patients were made 2 samples of hs troponin T at admission and after 1 hour to find out the value of the test for patients with chest pain. The results showed that the rate of patients with chest pain coming to the emergency department due to ACS was found in 49.7% of cases. The value and variation of troponin concentration at 0-1h are very effective in diagnosing acute MI with the area under the curve (AUC) respectively: 0.863; 0.914; 0.932 (with p<0.001). With a threshold value of hs troponin T at admission of 5 ng/l to exclude the diagnosis of MI (Rule-out), the sensitivity was 0.989 and the negative predictive value was 94.9%. Meanwhile, if the threshold of 52 ng/l is taken to diagnose MI (Rule-in), the specificity is 0.957, the positive predictive value is 85.6%. With the threshold of variation for Hs-Troponin T 0-1h of 5 ng/l, the specificity of MI diagnosis was 0.957, the positive predictive value was 88.7%. The study showed that the Hs-Troponin T test and the Hs-Troponin T 0-1h variation had high values ​​in diagnosing MI in patients with chest pain entering the emergency department.

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