Đinh Văn Quỳnh1,2,, Nguyễn Đức Chính2, Phạm Hải Bằng2
1 Thang Long University
2 Vietnam-Germany Friendship Hospital

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Introductions: Prehospital care, especially trauma emergency is playing an important role to reduce morbidity and mortality, especially brain trauma related to traffic accident. We conducted a study through emergency cases at Viet Duc University Hospital aiming to assess the situation of prehospital care and to make recommendations. Materials and methods: All patients with brain trauma due to traffic accident have been treated at the hospital during the period from December 31, 2020 to March 31, 2021, regardless of gender, age, locality and profession, have complete records, including deaths. Data were processed using SPSS 20.0 software. Results: A total of 200 patients with severe brain trauma due to traffic accident were enrolled, age group from 21-60 years old accounted for 67.5%, males in 88.5%; Injuries associated were: maxillofacial trauma accounted for 44%, limb injuries accounted for 23.5%, chest trauma 22%. The number of patients were provided the first aid at medical facilities accounted for 96.5%; Transportation by ambulance accounted for 98%; Medical staff accompanying patients while transporting accounted for 97%. The procedures provided were IV accounted for 97.5%, intubation and airway assessment with the rate of 85% and 84.5% respectively, collier for spine injury was in 37,5%. The treatment on emergency at the hospital: 42% were operated on emergency. Treatment results: released to die accounted for 24.5%, death in hospital 0.5%, overall mortality was 25%. Conclusions and recommendations: The study showed that brain trauma due to traffic accident at Viet Duc University Hospital, having access to prehospital care have improved, most of the patients were initially provided the first aid at the medical facilities and transported by ambulances. However, the mortality rate is still related high, we recommend strengthening the prehospital care especially with traumatic brain injury.

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