Nguyễn Thị Mai Phương1,, Bùi Đức Hậu2, Vũ Tiến Tùng1,3
1 Thai Binh Pediatric Hospital
2 Vietnam National Children's Hospital
3 Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objective: To evaluate the results of treatment for rectovestibular fistula with one-stage retrorectal surgery. Participants and Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of 41 girls with  anorectal malformations who underwent one-stage retrorectal plastic surgery at the National Children's Hospital from January 1, 2017 to October 2020. The research criteria included detailed surgical evaluation, complications, and defecation after surgery. Results: The average surgical time was 84.2±17.2 minutes. The mean postoperative time was 5.6±1.8 days. Evaluation according to Krickenbeck criteria for children over 36 months of age indicated that:  24 children were capable of holding back defecation (97.6%); Mild complications: Excess anal mucosa (24.4%) anal stenosis (2.4%), anal abscess (2.4%), perianal erythema (2.4%). No mortality. Overall result of  normal defecation was high: 92.7% did not have fecal incontinence or mild fecal incontinence, of which 26.8% had grade 1 incontinence. Conclusion: One-stage retrorectal surgery to treat anorectal malformations is a feasible and safe method. Post-operative complications can be treated with good results to help improve the child's defecating function.

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