Nguyễn Ngọc Như Khuê1,, Vũ Thị Quỳnh Hậu2, Nguyễn Hữu Huyên3
1 Tay Nguyen Regional General Hospital
2 Health Center of Buon Ma Thuot
3 Dak Lak Department of Health

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This study aims to evaluate the correlation between COVID-19 disease and coverage of vaccination rates of 1st and 2nd doses in Dak Lak province. Using retrospective descriptive study with analysis of data collected on daily quick reports of Dak Lak Health Service and reported coverage of 1st and 2nd dose vaccines by district, town, and city. The results showed that there was no correlation between the coverage rate of 1st dose, 2nd dose of vaccine and the number of new cases over time before and after 7, 14 and 21 days. There is no correlation between coverage rate of 1st dose, 2nd dose of vaccine and the number of new cases per day in the province. There is a correlation between the coverage rate of 1st dose, 2nd dose of vaccine and clinical leval of disease: asymptomatic and mild symptoms. There is a correlation between the rate of 1st dose vaccination and the number of patients discharged from hospital by day in the whole province.

Article Details


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