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The cross-sectional study conducted on all 40 nurses from Phu Tho Hospital of Lung Disease in 2019, objecties to describe the current state of their knowledge and practice on Medical Ethics, the results showed: Knowledge: good level (the criteria is at 76,7-100%), of which there are very high ones: 95% understand the willingness to help share with colleagues; 97.5% about protecting the honor of colleagues, 90% about patients have the right to know about their diseases, to be explained to, and to choose a care technique. However, 10% believe that patients cannot choose a nurse to care for them; 3,3% do not know if nursing is suitable for themselves. Practice: rather good level (the criteria is at 50-100%), of which there are very high criteria: 97,5% is good at taking responsibility for professional behavior; 100% honest in use of medicines and consumables. However, up to 50% of nurses did not ask more patients about related diseases; Only 40% introduced their name and the reason of contact, only 30% paid attention to the patient's family's mood and 20% did not ask the reason for the visit.
Article Details
Knowledge, practice, medical ethics.
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