Nguyễn Mộc Sơn1,2,, Đỗ Văn Minh2, Hoàng Minh Thắng2, Nguyễn Mạnh Khánh1, Ngô Văn Toàn1
1 Vietnam-Germany Friendship Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

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The study aimed to evaluate the results of treatment of humeral fractures in adults using locking plate at Viet Duc hospital. Cross-sectional descriptive research method in 75 patients with closed humeral fractures which were fixation by locking plate from 1/2018 to 1/2019. All patients were examination after surgery: assessment of function of shoulder joints, elbow joints, assessment of bone healing on x-ray, complications, classification of results according to modified Neer scale. Evaluation after surgery according to the modified Neer scale, good and very good results accounted for 94,8%. 5 cases of radial nerve paralysis after surgery accounted for 6,7% and all recovered completely after 3-6 months. Complications without bone healing had 1 case, accounting for 1,3%. The combined surgery of the locking screw is a safe method, with good results, and a low complication rate.

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