Lại Thuỳ Thanh1, Ngô Anh Vinh1,
1 Vietnam National Children's Hospital

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Objective: To describe the clinical epidemiology characteristics of cardiac arrest in children at the National children's hospital from June 2018 to June 2019. Methods: A cross-sectional study on 102 children with confirmed cardiac arrest. Results: The group under 1 year old was the most common group (43.1%). Cardiac arrest mainly in the emergency department and intensive care unit (accounting for 49.0% and 43.1% respectively). The rate of in-hospital cardiac arrest was higher than that of out-of-hospital (68.6% vs 31.4%). Cardiovascular causes account for the highest rate (22.6%), followed by infectious diseases (20.6%) and respiratory diseases (17.7%). Conclusion: Cardiac arrest is common in thegroup of less than 1 year old and mainly occurs in the emergency department and intensive care unit. Cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases are common causes of cardiac arrest.

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