Đỗ Tuấn Đạt1,, Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Hanoi Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital

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Objectives: (1) Describe the prevalence and severity of dysmenorrhea among students at some medical colleges and universities in Hanoi.  Methods: Cross-sectional description on 922 research subjects in accordance with selection and exclusion criteria. Results: The rate of pain in the menstrual cycle was 86.6%, in which two common pain locations are lower abdominal pain and back or pelvic pain. 16.7% of students need to drop out of school due to menstrual cramps, most of them stay home for half a day off. Signs of abdominal pain in the menstrual cycle, pre-menstrual cycle and the level of pain during the menstrual cycle and before the menstrual cycle are all affected to these students' life. Conclusion: The rate of pain in the menstrual cycle was 86.6%; 16.7% of students need to drop out of school due to pain.

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