Võ Thị Thúy Hồng1,, Trịnh Đình Hải2
1 Hanoi Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital
2 Vietnam National University, Hanoi

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Objective: to determine the position of impacted teeth in three-dimensional space in the jawbone and in comparison with adjacent teeth . Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 30 CBCT films of patients with impacted teeth. Results: 73.3% of the crown of impacted teeth were located on vestibule, the shortest distance from the jaw bone surface to impacted teeth was 1.13 ±0.83mm. The crown of impacted teeth on palatal vault were 26.7%, the shortest distance from the bone surface to impacted tooth was 0.83±0.26mm. The range of angle which created the occlusion plane and impacted teeth was 40º-100º (51.69º±32.87º). 23.3% impacted teeth caused resorption of adjacent teeth. Conclusion: The position of the impacted tooth and the degree of resorption of the adjacent root caused by the impacted tooth are clearly identified on CBCT film.

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