Nguyễn Kim Thư1,, Phạm Bá Hiền2, Lê Xuân Toản2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Dong Da General Hospital

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HIV/AIDs infection is a burden of disease for patients and their families and society as a whole. Anti-retroviral drugs (ARV) are the optimal treatment for HIV/AIDS patients. The TDF+3TC+DTG regimen was newly approved and recommended by MOH in Vietnam. Objective: To study the effectiveness and side effects of TDF + 3TC + DTG regimen in HIV/AIDS patients at Dong Da General Hospital.  Subjects: The study involved 61 patients diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and treated with the TDF+3TC+DTG regimen followed for a full 24 weeks, between February 202 and June 2021. Method: retrospective cross-description study. Results: Weight, BMI and CD4 count increases statistically (p<0.05) at the time after 24 weeks of treatment. 45/61 (73.8%) of patients reached the under detective threshold virus level. Adherence to treatment is associated with  viral load treatment result (OR=2.32 CI95% 0.21-8.643, p<0.05).  Conclusion: The TDF+3TC+DTG ARV drug regimen has a good treatment effect in patients with HIV/AIDS (weight, CD4 increases after 24 weeks of treatment and the virus is inhibited at a high rate). The group of patients who adhered to good treatment had a maximum of 2.32 times the ability to suppress the virus with a group that adhered to bad treatment.

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