Trần Mạnh Hùng1,
1 Bach Mai Hospital

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Objective: To evaluate the results of the surgical treatment of gastric cardia cancer in Bach Mai Hospital. Subjects and research methods: Retrospective descriptive study of 35 cases  of surgery at Bach Mai Hospital from January 2019 to December 2021. Results: in 35 cases of gastric cardia cancer, 26 men and 9 women, the average age was 61.5 ± 11.2, total gastrectomy was 25/35 (71.4%), Sweet surgery was 7/35 (20.0%), Lewis Santy surgery 2.9%, percutaneous gastrostomy was 5.7%, postoperative complication rate was 11.6%, no death, esophagus section having no cancer cells was 23/31 (74.2%), and cancer cells was 8/31 (25.8%), the average survival after surgery is 23.1 ± 3,1month, 24 months after surgery, there were 16 patients still alive (49.7%), in 36 months there were 10 patients still alive (28.5%). Conclusion: Gastric cardia cancer is the type of lesion with poor prognosis caused by late symptoms, late hospitalization and low transdifferentiation of cells. Surgery is an effective treatment, removing the whole stomach or the upper part of stomach in combination with low esophagus removal to ensure radical.

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