Đào Xuân Thành1, Someth .1, Nguyễn Văn Hoạt1,
1 Hanoi Medical University Hospital

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Objective of the study was to evaluate the results of the treatment for trigger fingers. Study design was a descriptive study had been used in 30 patients with trigger fingers treated surgically from 01/2020 to 08/2021 at Hanoi Medical University Hospital. Mean age was 51.8 ± 7.3; the lowest was 38 years old and the highest was 71 years old; the most common age was from 50 to 70 years old.  The proportion of female patients was to 87%. The disease was common in manual labor (70%). The most common thumb was 18 fingers (60%), six patients were in the middle finger (20%). The rate of diseased hands on the dominant and non-dominant hands was about the same. Grade III was the most common (73.4%). The most common comorbidities were carpal tunnel syndrome (23.3%) and diabetes (10%). The most common ultrasound images were increased tendon thickness (63.3%), Peri-tendon fluid accounted for 36.7%. Good results accounted for 80% and fair result was 20% according to the DASH scale. The average hospital stay of patients was 1.2 ± 1.1 days. The surgical treatment method is the best for trigger fingers to improve finger function for patients.  

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