Nguyễn Hồng Lợi1,, Trần Xuân Phú1
1 Odonto-Stomatology Center, Hue Central Hospital

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Background: Dental implants are an effective, most advanced and long-lasting treatment method in case of patients with tooth loss, especially those that locate at the back of the dental arches. The success rate and predictive success of dental implants depend on many factors, in which the quality assessment plays an important role. Methods: Including 37 patients (47 missing teeth) with maxillary molar loss indicated for dental implant treatment at Odonto-Stomatology Center, Hue Central Hospital from March 2021 to October 2021. Study design: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Results: The mean age was 49.32±14.45 years old, the mean age of men was 46.60±13.75 years old, the mean age of women was 52.53±14.98 years old. The most common cause of tooth loss is tooth decay, accounting for 70.2%. The time of tooth loss > 24 months accounted for the highest rate (63.8%). The average bone density was 894.04±200.62 HU, the smallest was 620 HU and the largest was 1350 HU. Conclusion: Bone density plays an important role in choosing the surgical method as well as predicting the success rate of implants. The assessment of bone quality is to make an accurate surgical plan.

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