Đỗ Thị Thu Hương1, Trịnh Đình Hải1, Đinh Diệu Hồng1, Trần Thị Ngọc Anh1, Trương Thị Mai Anh1, Vũ Lê Phương1
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

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Dentine Hypersensitivity (DH) is a short pain when dentine is exposed with external stimuli such as: thermal, vapor, rubbing, osmotic or chemical stimuli without pathological or any other dental defect and in normal teeth that level of stimulation is not sufficient to cause pain (ADHA, 2001). Besides tooth decay and periodontal disease, dentine hypersensitivity is a top concern of Odonto-Stomatology doctors1. The aim of this study was to identify the ratio of DH in workers at Hanvico Company, Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Results were as follows: In 288 workers at Hanvico Company, men is 24,7%, women is 75,3%. The ratio of DH is 24%. The highest ratio of DH in group 40-49 years old (30%), next is group 30-39 years old (24%), group above 50 years old (18%), group 20-29 years old (11%) and 0% in group under 20 years old. When studying the relationship between DH status and a diet high in acid, milk or calcium supplements, no difference was found between the DH group and the dentine-insensitive group (DI). When studying the relationship between DH status and some oral disease treatments such as tartar removal and periodontal surgery also found no difference between the DH and DI groups. However, abrasion was more common in the DH group (43%) compared with the DI group (9%). There was no relationship between gum recession and tooth attrition between the DH and DI groups.

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