Dương Đình Toàn1,2,
1 Vietnam-Germany Friendship Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

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We report a case that went to Viet Duc hospital for examination and was diagnosed with Hoffa's disease, which had progressed to the chronic stage. This is a rare disease, with the main symptom being pain in front of the knee joint, below the nfrapatellar . The pathogenesis of this pathology is still unclear. It can be caused by repeated tissue microtrauma, resulting in changes in inflammation, hemorrhage, and fibrosis of the Hoffa fat mass. The end result of the condition is the formation of an osteochondroma below the lower pole of the nfrapatellar. In the early stages, the diagnosis is confirmed by MRI, with evidence of adipose tissue inflammation. In the chronic stage, standard radiographs will show ossification of the fat pad.

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