Nguyễn Đỗ Thị Ngọc Hiên1, Đỗ Tấn2,
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Central Eye Hospital

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Purpose: To characterize clinical features in polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV). Materials and methods: Cross sectional study on 43 eyes (41 patients) who were diagnosed with PCV on ICG at Vitreo-retinal Department, VNEH from October 2013 to February 2020. Results: Mean age was 60.49 ± 9.21 years old. There were 21 male patients, 20 female patients. The most common risk factor was high blood pressure (accounted for 65.9%). Reduced VA was seen in majority of cases (41 eyes - 95,4%). In addition, patients also noted other symptoms of macular syndrome as scotoma (93%), metamorphosia (74,4%), discromatopsia (48,8%) and micropsia (60,5%). The most suggesting sign at the fundus was red-orange nodule that was seen in 23 eyes (53,5%). When seen clinically, Most of them were solitary polyps (22 eyes - 95,6%) and only one case of grape-like polyps. Most of cases had subretinal hemorrhage accounting for 76,7% (33 eyes). Conclusion: Clinical features of PCV included symptoms as blurred vision, scotoma, metamorphosia and fundus signs like subretinal hemorrhage, PED, exudates, and red-orange nodules – the most suggesting feature. 

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