Nguyễn Dương Thảo Ngân1, Nguyễn Ngọc Khôi1,
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Objective: This study aimed to establish a list of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) that need attention on elderly patients by Delphi method and determine the inter-rater reliability (IRR). Method: The list of PIMs developed based on Beers criteria, STOPP criteria, drug list, literature search and Delphi process. The process of evaluating IRR includes 1 pharmacist (PIM list originator) and 1 physician (Delphi process) reached complete agreement in determining PIM of 20 clinical cases (rater 1); 2 pharmacists and 2 physicians (rater2-5) independently applied the list. IRR was determined using kappa statistic. Results: After two rounds, 85 criteria were accepted and 4 criteria were rejected. The median (Interquatile range - IQR) Cohen kappa coefficient between raters was 0,86 (0,85-0,87). The Fleiss kappa coefficient was 0,835 (95% CI: 0,835 - 0,836). Conclusion: The list of PIMs that need attention at the hospital has been developed, including 85 criteria with a specific active ingredient, risk theory and alternatives/suggestions. IRR of PIMs list is good, despite no prior knowledge of the list.

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