Ninh Việt Khải1,, Hoàng Tuấn1, Nguyễn Quang Nghĩa1, Lê nguyên Vũ1, Đỗ Ngọc Sơn1, Trần Hà Phương1, Hoàng Tuấn Anh1, Dương Công Nguyên1, Trần Bình Giang1
1 Vietnam-Germany Friendship Hospital

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Objectives: Describing the living donor kidney transplantation technique of using cryopreserved vein homograft for lengthening renal vein and evaluated the efficiency of this technique. Subject and methods: A prospective study of 14 patients of living donor kidney transplantation with a short right renal vein, using cryopreserved vein homograft for lengthening renal vein in VietDuc hospital from 3/2019 to 6/2020. Results: 14 patients of a living donor kidney transplant in the study, 11 patients of cryopreserved iliac vein and 3 patients of cryopreserved gonadal vein were used. The median storage time was 66.5 (IQR 86) days. 13/14 patients of cryopreseved veins were normal, not fibrosis. The mean of renal veins extended was 21.6 ± 6.8 mm. The mean of cold ischemia time 66.6 ± 14.5 mins. The mean reconstruction time for lengthening renal vein was 13 ± 1.8 mins. The mean of ischemia time 32.6 ± 6.2 mins. Renal function was normal after 3-5 days in all patients without vascular complication after surgery. The mean hospitalization time was 15 ± 1,03 days. The average follow-up time was 22.5 (IQR 9) months. Conclusion: Using cryopreserved vein homograft for lengthening renal vein were an easy, safe and effective technique.

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