Lê Hồng Quang1,, Mai Thế Vương1
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The latissimus dorsi muscle flap is frequently used for breast reconstruction after mastectomy in purpose of treating cancer. Conventional harvesting of the latissimus dorsi flap, however, results in a long scar on the lateral back that has unsightly impact on cosmetic outcome. Harvesting using an endoscopic approach minimizes the scar in donor site. In Viet Nam, this is still a novel method and not widespeadly practiced owing to sophisticated technique. We report three clinical cases of breast cancer treated by nipple sparing mastectomy followed by immediate breast reconstruction with an endoscopic technique of latissimus dorsi harvesting. The average operation time was 273,3 minutes and it took 193.3 minutes to harvest latissimus dorsi muscle flap through endoscopic approach. The average postoperative time was 12 days, no surgical complications were observed, pain was well controlled, all of drains were removed after 11 days. The early cosmetic outcome reachs to the patients’ desire. 

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