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The study was conducted using a cross-sectional descriptive method of 328 patients who underwent surgery between January 2017 and February 2022. The number of patients with lower limb vascular surgery had 112 cases (47.1%), of which 36 cases were vascular diseases. The number of vascular surgeries in the neck region is 40, of which carotid artery surgery is 23. Abdominal vascular surgery had 46 cases with 23 (50%) abdominal aortic aneurysms. There were 18 cases of arterial exposure to performing transcutaneous cardiovascular interventions and 20 cases of surgery for post-puncture complications to perform these transcutaneous interventions. The majority of surgeries are performed with good results, serving for the treatment of vascular disease as well as the treatment of major pathologies from elsewhere (heart, aorta, kidney failure, severe cardiopulmonary failure).
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vascular surgery, carotid endarterectomy, femoropolipteal bypass, aortoiliac bypass, carotid subclavian bypass, embolectomy
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