Nguyễn Thị Minh Thúy1,, Hồ Thị Dung1
1 Vinh Medical University

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Objectives: Adherence of antiplatelet therapy after PCI. Methods: cross-sectional study of ambulatory patients who had underwent PCI were evaluated. Results: between 04/2021–10/2021, there were 155 patients (male 70.3%, mean age 67,81± 11,02). Low, average, high adherence were 34.8%, 51.6%, 13.5% respectively. Treatment cost was significantly related to medical adherence (OR = 2.164, CI 95% 1.014 – 4.620, p=0.04). Conclusions: Low, average, high adherence of antiplatelet therapy, antidyslipidemia therapy were 34.8%, 51.6%, 13.5% . Treatment cost was significantly related to medical adherence.

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