Nguyễn Nam Hà1,
1 Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objective: Describes the clinical and paraclinical of the submandibular salivary stone patients in ThaiNguyen National hospital from 2017 to 2021. Subjects and method: Describes a cluster cases included the 53 submandibular salivary stone patients. Results and conclusion: Age average 47.96 ± 18.35. The proportion of females to males is 1,12/1. Swelling in the submandibular gland was the first symptom appearing in most patients (49.0%). The time of disease onset was 2 to 3 years, average of 26 months (55.9%). Most patients had 1 stone (67.9%). Stones were more common on the left side with 29/53 cases (54.7%). Most of the patients had stones located in the lumen of the duct (56.6%). Stones are mainly large in size > 12mm, accounting for 43.4%.

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