Lương Thanh Tú1,, Nguyễn Đình Minh1, Đồng Hà Trung1, Lê Thị Nga1, Trần Tiến Lâm1
1 E Hospital

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This study aims to present experiences in selecting mastectomy techniques in female biological sex subjects who wish to virilize their breasts. A cross-sectional study of a series of cases on 25 patients who underwent breast virilization surgery at the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery at Hospital E from August 2019 to March 2022. The following 3 techniques: Key Hole, Round Block and Double incision. The selection of the appropriate technique is based on the characteristics of the breast: breast size, chest circumference, degree of breast prolapse, areola position, skin elasticity. 12 patients (48%) had surgery by Key Hole method, 8 patients (32%) with Round Block method, 5 patients with Double incision method (20%). Rate of complications after surgery: postoperative hematoma, partial necrosis of the nipple, keloid scars, dilated scars. There were no cases of infectious complications, excess skin after surgery. All patients were satisfied with the cosmetic results. In order to achieve patient satisfaction with higher cosmetic results and lower rates of postoperative complications, breast characteristics need to be evaluated in detail, and the appropriate technique selected.

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