Phạm Quang Minh1,, Nguyễn Xuân Anh2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Tâm Anh Hospital

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Proseal laryngeal mask ensures good ventilation for many types of surgery, however, for the lateral position surgery, anesthesiologistare concerned about the effect on pulse, blood pressure as well as complications such as sore throat, hoarseness of voice after surgery compare with endotracheal tube. We conducted a prospective randomized clinical intervention study at Vinh Phuc General Hospital from February to August 2020, 60 patients undergoing percutaneous renal lithotripsy were divided into 2 groups. Results: the 2 groups were similar in terms of anthropometric indices and surgery time. SpO2 and EtCO2 were within normal limit and were similar at all the time of study in both groups, the difference was not statistically significant with p > 0.05. The laryngeal mask group had pouls, blood pressure that was more stable at the time of insertion as well as extubation compare with the endotracheal group, the difference was statistically significant with p < 0.05. Postoperative complications such as sore throat, hoarseness in laryngal mask group were also lower than those of endotracheal group. In the endotracheal group, there were 12 patients with sore throat and 1 patient with hoarseness after surgery. However, these symptoms were not severe and  did not last long. Conclusion: the laryngeal mask group had some advantages such as stabilizing pulse, blood pressure and lowering symptoms of sore throat and hoarseness after surgery than the endotracheal group in percutaneous renal lithotripsy surgery.

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