Nguyễn Thị Song Hà1,, Hà Văn Thúy2
1 Hanoi University of Pharmacy
2 Ministry of Health

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A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out to analyze the list of drugs used at Thai Binh Medical University Hospital in 2020. The results shown that the group of pharmacological drugs accounted for the majority of 355 items and its use value was about of 10.9 billion VND; the group of drugs for treatment of parasites and anti-infectives was the highest number of items (48 items and corresponded to about of 12.6%) and its values ​​were accounted for 22.1% of the total value of use. Besides, the results also shown that, the domestically produced drugs were mainly used by the hospital in the treatment process, accounted for 62.6% of the use value; the single-component drugs were accounted for a high proportion of 85.1% of items and corresponded to about of 89.0% of the total use value of all used pharmaceutical drugs at the hospital. Meanwhile, the results shown that the oral drugs accounted for 43.0% of the total used value; the parenteral drugs had a smaller number of items used but the highest value for money accounted for 50.1% of the used value; the generic drugs accounted for 95.8% of the items and 96.1% of the hospital's total value of pharmaceutical drugs; and the results shown that only 15 generic brand-name drugs were used.

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