Dương Đình Toàn1,2,, Nguyễn Thành Vinh2, Vũ Mạnh Toàn2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Vietnam-Germany Friendship Hospital

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Fractures of the tibial plateau type V & VI according to Schatzker's classification are always difficult problems in surgical treatment. The objectives of study was to evaluate the results of surgical treatment of tibial plateau fractures of V and VI types according to the schatzker classification with double plating with minimally invasive two-incision. The study methods included 34 patients (21 men and 13 women) with type V and VI tibial plateau fractures according to Schautzker's classification (24 cases were type V and 10 cases were type VI) were treated with double plating via minimally invasive two-incision. Evaluate the results according to the KSS (Knee Society Score) scale. The results showed great had 25 patients (74.3%), good had 7 patients (21.2%), average had 2 patients (4.5%), Complications reported in 21% included knee pain (6%), superficial infection (6%) and limited knee range (9%). Internal fixation in treating complex plateau fractures (Types V and VI according to Schatzker's classification) with double plating via minimally invasive two-incision provides positive results with a low rate of complications.

Article Details


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