Nguyễn Thị Hồng1,, Nguyên Phương Sinh1, Bế Thị Hoa1, Dương Tiến Minh1, Bùi Ngọc Diệp1, Hoàng Quốc Huy1
1 Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Main Article Content


Objectives: To evaluate clinic characteristics, subclinic characteristics and outcomes of adolescent pregnancies in Obstetric and Gynecology centre at Thai Nguyen national hospital. Subject and method: A cross-sectional study on 165 pregnant women aged 10-19 in Obstetric and Gynecology centre at Thai Nguyen national hospital from 01/ 2020 to 12/ 2020. Results and conclusions: The rate of adolescent pregnant women aged 18-19 was the highest at 75,2% while the group of aged 10-13 was the lowest at 0,6%. Adolescent pregnant women living in rural areas accounted for 76.4%, and ethnic minority women were 53.3%. Adolescent pregnancies were farmers accounted for the highest rate 42.4%, 16.3% were students. Adolescent pregnant women with anemia were 24.5%, pre-eclampsia were 1.2%, cardiovascular disease were 1.2% and Basedow were 0.6%. The rate of preterm birth in adolescent pregnancies was 10,9%. 51,4% of women had cesarean section. The prevalence of newborns who had birthweight under 2500g was 16,8% and 14% of infants had postpartum respiratory failure. About complications, there were 1.9% postpartum haemorrhage and 1.9% postpartum genitourinary trauma.

Article Details


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