Nguyễn Thị Song Hà1,
1 Hanoi University of Pharmacy

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A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted to analyze the list of antibiotics used (83 items in total) in inpatient treatment at Kien An Hospital in 2020. Results: Antibiotics had the greatest use-value (accounting for 62,8%) of the total. Beta-lactam antibiotics were mainly used (made up 56,6% of items and 80,2% of values). Parenteral antibiotics accounted for 69,9% of items and 98,3% of use-value. Brand-name antibiotics made up 9,6% of items and 6,3% of use-value. Imported antibiotics accounted for 49,4% in terms of items and 53,6% in use-value. Single-component antibiotics dominated with the proportion of 97,6% and 99,9%, in terms of items and use-values, respectively. Antibiotics that need a consultation before use accounted for 12,0% and 13,5% in terms of the number of items and their use-value. Department of Gastroenterology had the highest total dose of antibiotic DDD (16 555,5 DDD, accounting for 14,4%). Total DDD/100 bed-days of antibiotics was 64,6, in which beta-lactam antibiotics was 46,9. It is considered to add high-bioavailable oral antibiotics to replace parenteral ones.

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