Trần Nguyễn Ngọc1,2, Dương Minh Tâm1,2,
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 National Mental Health Institute, Bach Mai Hospital

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We conducted a study with the goal of describing behavior learning patterns and personality characteristics of patients with somatization disorder. The study used cross-sectional descriptive method and included 54 patients who came for examination and treatment in National Institute of Mental Health - Bach Mai hospital. Results show that the patients with somatization disorder were mainly female, with the average age was 49.1±12.7, and most of them were married (88.9%), had the education level of secondary school, 20.4% patients reported about experience the symptoms similar to their current symptoms before the onset of the disorder. In MMPI, Hs - suspected disease (88.9%), Sc - schizophrenia (63.0%) were the scales had high rates of pathology in patients with somatization disorder. Pt - anxiety, phobia (51.9%), D- depression (44.5%), Hy - dissociative disorder (40.7%) had the  average pathological rates. There were 3 scales had the mean score at the pathological level (Tscore >70 or Tscore <30): Hs - suspected disease (81.9 ± 10.4); Sc - schizophrenia (73.4 ± 12); and Pt scale - anxiety, obsession (70.8 ± 8.6).

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