Nguyễn Đình Khanh1, Đinh Việt Hùng1,, Nguyễn Văn Linh1, Huỳnh Ngọc Lăng1
1 Military Hospital 103

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Objective: To examine clinical features and treatment outcomes of patients with chronic alcohol abuse. Method: Analyse clinical features and treatment outcomes of 45 patients with alcohol abuse who received inpatient treatment in the Psychiatric Department, 103 Military Medical Hospital. Results: The average duration of alcohol abuse was 14.81± 5.85 years, average amount of alcohol consumed was 1024.45 ± 126.74 ml and heavy alcoholism was 68.89%. The symptoms of alcohol abuse: visual illusion (84.44%), jealousy delusion (64.44%), emotional excitement (57.78%). 100% patients were treated by benzodiazepin and vitamin B1 and 86.67% of patients recovered completely after 3 weeks. Conclusion: Clinical features of patients with chronic alcohol abuse are varied and abundant.

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