Nguyễn Thị Hồng Minh1,, Đoàn Mai Phương2, Vũ Đức Long1, Nguyễn Thị Bích Phượng1, Vũ Tuyết Nhung1, Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Mai1, Nguyen Thị Minh Tâm1
1 Bach Mai Hospital
2 Thang Long University

Main Article Content


Purposes: Describe the outcomes of postoperative care for patients with appendicitis and some related factors at Bach Mai hospital in 2021. Methods: a prospective descriptive study. Results: The study enrolled 150 patients diagnosed with appendicitis and who underwent an appendectomy at Bach Mai Hospital. 53.3% were female, 46.7% were male,  and the average age of the study subjects was 41.15 ± 18.5. The results of treatment and care of the patient until discharge are good, accounting for 76%, and not good, accounting for 24 percent. Factors with comorbidities include several days in the hospital, nursing consultations on nutrition, early mobilization after surgery, treatment adherence, abnormal monitoring, and personal hygiene during the hospital stay. Conclusion: Research results show the need for evidence-based practice innovations to improve the effectiveness of postoperative care and treatment.

Article Details


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