Trần Mạnh Hùng1,, Nguyễn Đình Quyền1
1 Bach Mai Hospital

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Aims: to evaluate the results and initial experiences of the technique. Materials and methods: A retrospective descriptive study of 12 cases of acute necrotizing pancreatitis  who underwent retroperitoneal surgery with laparoscopic assisted to remove necrotic tissue from 2019 to 2022 at the General Surgery Department, Bach Mai Hospital. Results: Male/female ratio was 5/1, average age: 56.7, mean time from disease onset to surgery was 21.5 days, average surgery time was 82.1 minutes, patients with 1 time surgery is 83.4%, 2 times surgery is 16.6%. The number of intervention cases on both sides is 6 patients (50%), Left intervention is 5 (41.7%), right side is 1 (8.3%) mortality rate: 8.3 %, complication rate is: 16.7%. Conclusion: Retroperitoneal surgery with laparoscopic assisted to remove necrotic tissue is minimally invasive surgery. It should be indicated in the 3rd week from the onset of the disease, is a safe and effective method with a high success rate, low complications and mortality rate.

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