Cao Trường Sinh1,
1 Vinh Medical University

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Aim: To evaluate the variation of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure parameters in hypertensive patients with type II diabetes to provide information for the treatment. Objects and methods: 31 hypertensive patients with type II diabetes, 19 men, 12 women, mean age 63.71 ± 6.9 years, agreed to participate in the study. All were measured 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) with a measuring interval every 30 minutes during the daytime from 6 AM to 10 PM and 60 minutes at nighttime from 10 PM to 6 AM the next day. Results: Blood pressure in hypertensive patients with type II diabetes fluctuated widely during 24h, standard deviation > 19.3 mmHg for systolic blood pressure and > 11.4 for diastolic blood pressure. The rate of nondipper was as high as 74.3%. The prevalence of severe BP overload was as high as 74.2% for systolic blood pressure and 38.7% for diastolic blood pressure. The rate of early morning surge of blood pressure was as high as 64.5%. Conclusion: Blood pressure in hypertensive patients with type II diabetes fluctuates a lot during in 24h, high standard deviation, multiple peaks in 24 hours, together with a high rate of early morning surge is a high  risk factor of cardiovascular events. It is necessary to control well the blood pressure and  glucosemia to prevent the complications.

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