Nguyễn Hoài Bắc1,, Trần Văn Kiên2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Hanoi Medical University Hospital

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We examined 270 patients with azoospermia to investigate the concentration of zinc and fructose in semen and to find out the relationship between zinc and fructose concentrations with pH, semen volume and sex hormones in infertile patients with azoospermia. The results show that the average age of patients in the study was 30,1 ± 5,05 years. The average concentration of zinc and semen fructose of study subjects was 0.51 ± 1.76μmol/L and 1.25 ± 0.8mg/ml, respectively. There was no difference in zinc concentration between the 2 groups OA and NOA. The fructose concentration in the NOA group was statistically significantly higher than in the OA group. In the multivariate linear regression model, semen volume and semen pH were positively related to fructose in the OA group. Our research shows that the fructose concentration in semen has value in determining the cause of obstructive azoospermia.

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