Phạm Văn Hùng1,, Nguyễn Thị Kiều1
1 National Institute For Control of Vaccine and Biologicals, Ministry of Health

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The study aimed to describe the histopathological characteristics of colorectal cancer patients visiting Hanoi Medical University Hospital in 2020. The research team used a cross-sectional descriptive method on 115 patients performed histopathological examination, with the specimen being colorectal cancer and histological examination results as colorectal carcinoma at the Department of Pathology - Hanoi Medical University Hospital in the period from May January 2020 to December 2020. The study results showed that the most common tumor site was the rectum (56.5%), followed by the sigmoid colon, 27%. Meet all lesions on the macroscopic level, in which warts and ulcers are the two most common types, accounting for 82.6%. Normal adenocarcinoma accounts for the highest rate of 90.4%. 94.8% histology is moderately differentiated.

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