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Purposes: Evaluating the results of knee stability rehabilitation.following IKDC scale in patients with ruptures of anterior cruciate ligament treated by athroscopy using the all – inside method. Subjects and method: 45 patients with anterior cruciate ligament rupture have been had arthroscopic surgery by all-inside method at 175 military hospital. Results: To evaluate the stability of knee following I.K.D.C scale, before surgery: 97.78 of level C, only 2.22% of level B; after surgery 71.11% of level A, 2.8.89% of level B, there are improvement of knee stability after surgery. Age, meniscus tears, graft diameter, positions of the femoral and tibial tunnel have affected to stability of knee after surgery (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Stability of knee have good rehabilitation in patients with anterior cruciate ligament ruptures treated by athroscopy using the all-inside method and is associated with age, meniscus tears, graft diameter, positions of femoral and tibial tunnels.
Article Details
Anterior cruciate ligament, all-inside method, stability of knee
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