Đặng Thị Xuân1,, Hà Trần Hưng2
1 Poison Control Center, Bach Mai Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

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Objective: to assess the characteristics of osmotic pressure increased in patients with acute ethanol and methanol poisonings. Subjects and methods: A prospective observational study on 121 acute ethanol and methanol poisoned patients with elevated osmol pressure treated at the Poison Control Center, Bach Mai Hospital was conducted from 7/2019 to 7/2020. Results: Ethanol and methanol poisonings caused an increase in osmotic pressure; 54.4% of ethanol poisonings and 72.3% of methanol poisonings had severe increases in OG. The higher the concentration of ethanol and methanol in blood, the higher osmalar gap (OG) (p<0.05). OG on admission in methanol poisoning patients was higher than ethanol poisoning (80.7 ± 40.53 vs 48.5 ± 29.36; p <0.05); the time OG returned to normal was longer than that of ethanol (23.5 ± 8.69 vs 11.2 ± 4.24; p <0.05). The blood osmolality gap decreased rapidly after admission, whereas the anion gap increases. Methanol poisonings were more severe, developed more complications than ethanol and had a higher rate of mortality (66.7% and 2.9%; p <0.05). Conclusion: The evaluation in elevated osmol pressure in patients with acute ethanol and methanol poisonings is essential for early prognosis of complications and having treatments for the patients

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