Phạm Thị Thư1,, Trương Tuyết Mai2, Nguyễn Ngọc Sáng2, Trần Thị Thu Trang2
1 Haiphong University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 National University of Nutrition

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Objectives: Describe nutritional status and some related factors to stunting malnutrition among children 3-5 years old in 4 communes of thanh hoa province, 2017. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1136 children 3-5 years old in 4 communes of Thanh Hoa province to describe nutritional status and some related factors to stunting malnutrition among children 3-5 years old. Children were measured weight, height by the anthropometric method, interviewed mothers with pre-designed questionnaires. Results: the prevalence of underweight was 11,2%, stunting was 15,7% and wasting was 2,0%. Children with birth weight ≤2500 grams have 1.67 times higher risk of stunting than other children. Families with 3 or more children, children have risk of stunting malnutrition 1,53 times higher than families with 1-2 children and mothers with less than high school education, children have risk of stunting malnutrition is 1,59 times higher than the mothers with high school education or higher. Conclusion: The prevalence of underweight was 11,2%, stunting was 15,7% and wasting was 2,0%. There is a relationship between stunting malnutrition and birth weight of children, number of children in the family and mother's education level.

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