Trần Thị Lan Anh1,, Mai Đức Anh2, Lê Thị Thu Hằng3
1 Hanoi University of Pharmacy
2 Hai Phong Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company
3 The Representatives Office of Bayer Vietnam Limited in Hanoi

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Background: Hypertension is one of the chronic diseases mainly examined in outpatient at general hospital in Vietnam. To prescribe an appropriate regimen treatment and average prescribed daily doses (PDD) not only helps to control blood pressure well, but also reduces hospitalization. The aim of this study is to analyze the prescription pattern and PDD in hypertensive outpatients in a general hospital. Materials and methods: Retrospective prescriptions of outpatient at the Pharmacy Departmen of the 108 military central Hospital , using cross-sectional descriptive methods. Results: Polytherapy (78%) was leading trend of antihypertensive therapy for outpatients and average cost was 364.688 VND. The most frequent of antihypertensive class to be prescribe were combine ARB + BB + CCB. In monotherapy, ramipril was highest prescribed. The average PĐ/DDD ratio of CCB and ARB was approximately 1, in accordance with the recomendation while ACE-I was not. Conclusion: Most of the prescription in our study was polytherapy. The PDD/DDD rate was difference betwen antihypertensive classes.

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