Trần Hữu Tâm1,
1 Center for Standardization and Quality Control in Medical

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The quality of the test makes a very important contribution to the diagnosis, especially the diseases of cancer, endocrinology, thyroid gland,... [3], so the good implementation and monitoring of the test quality at the hospitals have been required by the Ministry of Health, which must monitor and evaluate monthly through external quality assessment to overcome and develop measures to improve testing quality [1],[7]. This study analyzed the 2021 external quality assessment results for immunoassays and found that: immunoassays are prone to errors at low concentrations; the errors of the tests of the cancer marker group and the thyroid group were relatively higher than the other groups; quality control chemicals/reactants degraded, instrument calibration should be focused on more.

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1. Bộ Y tế (2013), Thông tư hướng dẫn thực hiện quản lý chất lượng xét nghiệm tại cơ sở khám bệnh, chữa bệnh, số 01/2013/TT-BYT, Hà Nội.
2. Trần Hữu Tâm (2020), Ngoại kiểm tra chất lượng xét nghiệm – tái bản lần 4. NXB Y học, TP.Hồ Chí Minh.
3. Trần Hữu Tâm (2017), Kỹ thuật y học chuyên ngành xét nghiệm, NXB Y học, Hà Nội.
4. Trần Hữu Tâm (2015), Những vấn đề cơ bản trong đảm bảo chất lượng xét nghiệm y khoa – tái bản lần 1. NXB Y học, TP.Hồ Chí Minh.
5. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (2008) Assessment of laboratory tests when proficiency testing is not available; Approved Guideline – Second Edition, CLSI document GP29-A2, Vol.28(21), Wayne.
6. International standard (1991) Shewhart control charts (ISO8258:1991),
7. Geneva. International standard (2012), Medical laboratories – Requirements for quality and competence (ISO 15189:2012), Geneva.