Nguyễn Kim Thư1,2,, Lê Thị Vân Anh1
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 National Hospital for Tropical Diseases

Main Article Content


Objective: To describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of patients with invasive pulmonary fungal infection. Population and method: Cross-sectional descriptive study on 105 patients with invasive pulmonary fungal infection treated at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases. Results: 81% of patients were male, mean age was 59,68 ± 14,58. Diabetes (18,15), cirrhosis (15,2%), HIV (14,3%), COPD and asthma (11,4%), were the most frequent cormobidities. Clinical symtoms are diverse but common are fever (84,4%), dyspnea (68,6%), productive cough (56,2%),  crackles (81%). Most patients had a slight increase in PCT (0,05-2 mg/mL) 70,4% and a large increase in CRP (>100mg/L) 44,7%. Candida and Aspergillus are the two main etiological groups of pulmonary fungal infection. Conclusion: This study presented the clinical and paraclinical signs of invasive  fungal infection are multiform, non-specific, this is why you  have  to  think  about fungal  infection  in  patients with  atopic  factor have respiratory symptoms that do not improve with conventional therapies.

Article Details


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