Đặng Phúc Đức1, Đỗ Đức Thuần1,
1 Military Hospital 103

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Objective: Describe the clinical features and computed tomography images of ruptured middle cerebral aneurysms. Subject and method: prospective, descriptive cross sectional and follow long study of 46 patients. They were treatmented ruptured middle cerebral artery aneurysms by intervention in the stroke department of Hospital No103 from  to october 2009 to december 2021. Result: Headache 89.1%, meningococcal syndrome 93.30%, hemiplegia 32.6%, recurrent rupture before intervention 8.69%. On computer tomography showed subarachnoid hemorrhage 93.48%, hematoma  in temporal lobe 41.30%. Conclusion: ruptured middle cerebral aneurysm causes meningeal syndrome, hemiplegia, recurrent rupture less than other locations. On computer tomography, there is often a hematoma  in temporal lobe.

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