Vũ Thị Trúc Quỳnh1,, Nguyễn Bá Vượng1, Lương Minh Tuấn2, Hồ Tú Thiên1, Nguyễn Phương Hiền3
1 Military Hospital 103
2 Military Institute of Preventive Medicine
3 Vietnam University of Traditional Medicine

Main Article Content


Objective: Research on noise pollution and hearing loss status of soldiers who work in the underground construction. Objects and methods: A total of 200 soldiers in 2 qualified engineer brigades are divided into 2 groups: 100 soldiers working directly in underground construction, 100 soldiers doing administrative work and do not directly work in the underground construction and 100 samples of noise intensity measurement corresponding to the working position of 100 soldiers working directly in underground construction. Results: 61% of sample noise exceeded occupational hygiene standards (OSH) and 15-30,4 dBA higher than the Ministry of Health (MOH) standard. The rate of hearing loss of soldiers who work directly in underground construction is 39% with characteristics of high-frequency reduction, symmetrical and resonant deafness, which suitable for occupational hearing loss. The rate of hearing loss increases with age. However, this study has not found a difference between hearing loss and career age. Conclusion: The level of noise pollution in underground works is quite high, with up to 61% of sample noise exceeding the OSH standards and 15-30,4 dBA higher than the MOH standard. Long-term work in this environment can lead to 39% of noise-related hearing loss, and there is a relationship between the rate of hearing loss and age.

Article Details


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