Thân Đức Mạnh1,, Nguyễn Việt Quang1
1 Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objective: A cross-sectional study to describe the respiratory function characteristics of workers exposed to coke gas at a coking plant in Thai Nguyen in 2021. Methods: Clinical examination, measurement of respiratory function combined with monitoring records of the working environment of employees directly working at locations exposed to coke vapors at the research facility. Results: The majority of study subjects were in the age group of 30-49 years old with the rate of 74%. Male subjects accounted for a higher proportion than female subjects (58.4% compared with 41.6%), those who worked for more than 20 years accounted for the majority, with the rate of 45.7%. The working environment with the most common occupational harmful factors is noise and dust, with the incidence of 76.8% and 73.3%, respectively. The results of the measurement of the respiratory function indexes of the research subjects, we found that the majority of the study subjects had ventilation dysfunction, accounting for 61%, the number of subjects with normal respiratory function only accounted for 39%. Among respiratory dysfunctions, the most common was the restrictive-type disorder (seen in 58% of subjects), and the two less common obstructive and mixed syndromes, with an incidence of 2% and 1%. There are differences in the rate of ventilation disorders, in the group of workers divided by age, sex, exposure to dust.

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