Nguyễn Anh Khoa1,, Vũ Thị Quỳnh Hậu2, Đặng Thị Phương Duyên1
1 Tay Nguyen Regional General Hospital
2 Health Center of Buon Ma Thuot

Main Article Content


By using the cross-sectional descriptive study method, we surveyed 2,582 health care workers (HCW). Conclusions: 70,8% of HCW are female. The mean age is 36.8 ± 8.3 years old. Structure of professional qualifications: doctor (19.9%), pharmacist (10.8%), technician (8.4%), nurse/midwife (37.2%) and other medical specialties (23.7%). The average working year is 11.9 ± 7.8. 91,3% of HCW is working in state public health facilities and 8,7% is working in  private health facilities. The average BMI of HCW is 8% underweight and 11.9% overweight and obese. 5.7% of HCW smoke. 2.3% of HCW regularly drink alcohol and 56.2% occasionally drink alcohol. 12.2% of HCW have comorbidities. 95.4% of HCW received 3 COVID-19 vaccine injections and 4.6% received 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine. There are 57.8% HCW working on the front lines of COVID-19. The rate of COVID-19 among HCW is 47.8%. The rate of COVID-19 among female HCW (50.0%) is higher than that of male HCW (42.4%) (p<0.001). Diagnosis of the disease level of HCW when infected COVID-19 is mainly mild level. There is a difference in the diagnosis of disease severity between sexes (p<0.001). Age group, working year, ethnicity, workplace, type of activity, place of residence, smoking, comorbidities and vaccination relate to the prevalence of COVID-19 among HCW (p<0.05 – p<0.001).

Article Details


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