Nguyễn Kim Thư1,2,, Trần Thị Dung2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 National Hospital for Tropical Diseases

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Study objective: to study common complications in pregnant women with measles at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases from 1/2018 to 12/2019. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study including comparison with control group was carried out on 49 pregnant female patients diagnosed with measles infection treated at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases from 1/2018 to 12/2019. Results: -73.5% of pregnant women infected with measles had complications, respiratory complications accounted for 65.3%. The rate of respiratory complications in pregnant women was higher than in non-pregnant women infected with measles (p<0.05). CRP value ≥ 94.5mg/l is associated with bacterial pneumonia in pregnant women infected with measles with p < 0.05; OR 31.2 (95% CI: 2.9 – 337.4). - 26.5% of pregnant women infected with measles had obstetric complications including: miscarriage 8.2%, stillbirth 4.1%, premature birth 4.1%. Lymphocyte count ≤ 8.4% is related to obstetric complications in pregnant women infected with measles with p < 0.05; OR 7.7 (95% CI: 1.5 – 39.9). - No statistical relation was found between age, gestational age, other hematological parameters, and other complications with obstetric complications. Conclusion: Close monitoring is required for early detection of bacterial pneumonia and obstetric complications in pregnant women with measles

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