Đặng Thị Xuân1,, Nguyễn Anh Tuấn1
1 Poison Control Center, Bach Mai Hospital

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Objective: Evaluation of the results of vitamin K1 in the treatment of long-acting anticoagulant rodenticides poisoning - bromadiolon and flocoumafen. Subjects and methods: A prospective observational study on 37 patients with bromadiolon and flocoumafen treated at the Poison Control Center, Bach Mai Hospital was conducted from June 2020 to June 2021. Results: There are 54.1% of patients needing intravenous vitamin K1 to treat coagulopathy, dose of vitamin K1 is 60mg/day in the first 2 days. Patients with bromadiolon concentration >1000 ng/ml required intravenous vitamin K1 (81.8%) higher than the group with bromadiolon concentration <1000 ng/ml (58.8%). The maintenance dose of vitamin K1 after discharge from the hospital was 40 mg/day. The time to improve INR to normal is 36 hours (12-72 hours). The duration of treatment is based on the half-lives of bromadiolon and flocumafen which were shorter than the usual treatment duration. All of the patients were survived, no sequelae and serious side effects during treatment time. Conclusion: Vitamin K1 is effective in treating poisoning with poison bromadiolon and flocoumafen. Based on the concentration of bromadiolon and flocoumafen can shorten the treatment time.

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